Hello everyone!
Welcome to the new school year 2015/2016.
Hope you all had a great summer.
As you well know, this year I'm teaching in Gran Canaria and I didn't have the opportunity to say Goodbye in June...
Thank you so much for the two years I've taught in Ceip Antoñito el Farero school, you made my job very easy and I had a great time teaching you.
I hope you keep on working on your English.
I keep you in my heart forever...
Verónica Tchiengoue
- 1º
- 2º
- 3º
- 4º
- 5º
- 6º
- Adjectives
- Alphabet
- Animals
- Back 2 School
- Bedroom
- Body
- Book Day
- Bullying
- Canarias
- Carnival
- Christmas
- Circus
- City & Town
- Classroom
- Clown
- Colours
- Comic
- Comparatives & Superlatives
- Conversation
- Cooking
- Culture
- Daily Routines
- Days of the week
- Earth
- Easter
- Emotions
- ePals
- Face
- Family
- Feelings & Emotions
- Festivals
- Food
- Friends
- Games
- Halloween
- Health
- High School
- House
- Infantil
- Info
- Internet
- Jobs & Professions
- Listenings
- Maths
- Months of the year
- Music
- Numbers
- Nursery Rhymes
- Past simple
- Peace
- Phonics
- Physical Description
- Prepositions
- Present Simple
- Projects
- Puberty
- Reading
- Secondary
- Shapes
- Shopping
- Social skills
- Solar system
- Sports & Hobbies
- St.Valentine's
- Tales & Stories
- Teens
- Toys
- Transports
- Travel
- TV & Cinema
- Verbs
- Vocabulary
- Weather
- Wonders of the World
- Writing
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015
lunes, 20 de abril de 2015
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015
NEW! ep@ls around the World blog
Hi guys!
I Just wanted to tell you the News!!
We've got a new blog to support our new epals Project where we're going to connect to students around the world. This is the link: Myepals
At this moment these are the connections confirmed:
5º A: You are connected to Ms. Katie Lewis classroom. They are studying Year 6 and year 6 in North Caroline, USA. Our classroom in Twiducate is verokatie2.
You can visit their school website here:
5º B: You are connected to Mr. Rafe Class. They are studying Year 4 at the Alec Reed Academy located in Northholt, Middlesex, London, the United Kingdom. Our classroom in Twiducate is epals2015.
You can visit their school website here:
5º C: You are connected to Ms. Patterson Class. They are a group of 20 students. They are studying Year 5 at the Humphreys Central Elementary School located at USAG Humphreys near Pyeongtaek,
Republic of Korea. Our classroom in Twiducate is senoritapatterson1.
See map
You can visit their school website here:
6º B: confirmation pending
I Just wanted to tell you the News!!
We've got a new blog to support our new epals Project where we're going to connect to students around the world. This is the link: Myepals
At this moment these are the connections confirmed:
5º A: You are connected to Ms. Katie Lewis classroom. They are studying Year 6 and year 6 in North Caroline, USA. Our classroom in Twiducate is verokatie2.
You can visit their school website here:
5º B: You are connected to Mr. Rafe Class. They are studying Year 4 at the Alec Reed Academy located in Northholt, Middlesex, London, the United Kingdom. Our classroom in Twiducate is epals2015.
You can visit their school website here:
5º C: You are connected to Ms. Patterson Class. They are a group of 20 students. They are studying Year 5 at the Humphreys Central Elementary School located at USAG Humphreys near Pyeongtaek,
Republic of Korea. Our classroom in Twiducate is senoritapatterson1.
See map
You can visit their school website here:
6º B: confirmation pending
lunes, 13 de abril de 2015
Estimadas familias,
Ante todo agradecerles el esfuerzo que han hecho por sacar este proyecto adelante. Creo que ha sido un ejercicio muy interesante para todos: de aprendizaje para los alumnos, de observación para ustedes y de evaluación para mí.
Estoy muy contenta con los resultados ya que me doy cuenta de cuánto han aprendido los alumnos y de lo que son capaces de hacer con la lengua inglesa.
Les envío la tabla que he realizado para evaluar la actividad.
A cada alumno se le entregará a lo largo de esta semana un documento con la nota final, donde se indicará el grado que ha alcanzado en cada una de las categorías que se evalúa:
- Entusiasmo
- Vocabulario
- Habla con claridad
- Usa frases completas
- Preparación
- Ayudas visuales (inclusión de algo creativo, divertido)
Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm and seems very natural.
Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic and seems natural.
Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but doesn't seem natural.
Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.
Uses the topic vocabulary and enriches the speech adding a lot of recycled vocabulary and new words.
Uses the vocabulary of the unit, recycles 1-2 words and adds at least 1 new word.
Uses the vocabulary of the unit But does not include any new vocabulary.
Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are not understood by the audience.
Speaks Clearly
Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than 2 words.
Often can not be understood OR mispronounces more than 3 words.
Uses Complete Sentences
Always (99-100% of time) speaks in complete sentences.
Mostly (80-98%) speaks in complete sentences.
Sometimes (70-80%) speaks in complete sentences.
Rarely speaks in complete sentences.
Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.
Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.
The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.
Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Student uses several props (could include costume) that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better.
Student uses 1 prop that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better.
Student uses 1 prop which makes the presentation better.
The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation.
Fecha de creación: April 11, 2015
miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015
Feelings & Emotions,
High School,
Physical Description,
1. Making friends in High school
2. Bullying
More videos... (you can watch at home)
Ultimate school SURVIVAL Guide
Back 2 School,
High School,
Social skills,
Next 23rd of April is the World Book Day and I've thought it would be a great idea to have a Comic Competition at school to commemorate this special day and to promote your writing and creative skills.
If you want to participate in this competition, listen carefully to the comic special lesson I've prepared for you.
1. Book trailer
1. Comic creator (Very easy to use but can't save)
2. Make Beliefs comix (It's colorful, it's got plenty options but you can't save, just print)
I've created this one... http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/?comix_id=9981618C1605713
3. Bit Strips (Quite sophisticated, not for beginners).
If you want to participate in this competition, listen carefully to the comic special lesson I've prepared for you.
1. Book trailer
1. Comic creator (Very easy to use but can't save)
2. Make Beliefs comix (It's colorful, it's got plenty options but you can't save, just print)
I've created this one... http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/?comix_id=9981618C1605713
3. Bit Strips (Quite sophisticated, not for beginners).
martes, 24 de marzo de 2015
Education in Britain
0. Education in UK
1. Schools in Britain
2. Jamie's School Day
1. Schools in Britain
2. Jamie's School Day
3. Leelands High school (marketing video)
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015
jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015
Past simple tense (online exercises)
1. Lionel's Messi profile
2. Who is J.K. Rowling?
3. Online activities
4. + Past simple activities
2. Who is J.K. Rowling?
3. Online activities
4. + Past simple activities
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015
lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015
miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015
1. Homes in Britain
2. Parts of the house
Now, get some inspiration to do your project "My room tour" watching the next two videos.
3. My new room tour 2015
4. My favorite things in my room
Weather videos
1. World weather forecast cartoon
2. How's the weather?
3. Weather song
4. The Weather kids
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015
1. Are you a good friend? - Personality test
2. Friendship soup recipe
3. What if you're the opposite of your friend?
miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015
Stories about space and the moon
1. Whatever next!
2. Dora's space adventure
3. A taste of the moon (A qué sabe la luna?)
4. Get the moon for me
5. Lily and the moon
jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015
The cold planet (Story)
Neila is an alien. She lives on a cold planet and nothing can grow. Can Billy and Splodge help her?
Go to the story
Go to the story
Solar system,
Tales & Stories
SPACE Web Quest
Let's discover it.
Watch carefully the video about the Apollo 11 mission. Then, try to complete the web quest about space. Read the links provided and get a score of 10.
1.- Apollo 11 video.
2.- Neil Armstrong (Biography)
click here
3.- Pedro duque (Biography)
click here
4.- The solar system
click here
5.- Now, try the TEST and tell your teacher your score.
Space Web Quest
Let's discover it.
Watch carefully the video about the Apollo 11 mission. Then, try to complete the web quest about space. Read the links provided and get a score of 10.
1.- Apollo 11 video.
2.- Neil Armstrong (Biography)
click here
3.- Pedro duque (Biography)
click here
4.- The solar system
click here
Space Web Quest
martes, 10 de febrero de 2015
lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015
Famous people mini-project
Find the famous people you want to learn about using our A-Z list.
You can print and fold one of the booklets the website provides for a better presentation of your project.
Go to famous people project
You can print and fold one of the booklets the website provides for a better presentation of your project.
Go to famous people project
St. Valentine's videos for children
1. The history of Saint Valentine's
2. St. Valentine's Song
3. I Love you Song.
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015
Health videos
Learn Health Vocabulary!
Learn Health Vocabulary! (Phrases 1)
Learn Health Vocabulary! (Phrases 2)
Jobs & Professions
1. world's most dangerous jobs.
2. Career Paths
3. Song: What do you want to be in the future?
domingo, 25 de enero de 2015
Valentine's Day Webquest
This is a love-themed webquest by Luke Vyner from onestopenglish.com. It includes activities on the history of Valentine’s Day, celebrations of love around the word, strange facts and amorous quotations.
What do you know about the history of Valentine’s Day?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.
Activity 1: The history of Valentine’s Day
Work in pairs to discover more about the history of Valentine’s Day. Student 1 reads sections 1 and 3. Student 2 reads sections 2 and 4.
Visit http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day and answer the questions related to your sections.
Section 1: The legend of Saint Valentine
- How many saints named Valentine and Valentinus are recognized by the Catholic Church?
- What did Emperor Claudius ll ban?
- How did Valentine supposedly respond to this ban?
- Who did Valentine supposedly write a letter to, signed ’From your Valentine’?
- How well known was Saint Valentine by the Middle Ages?
Section 2: Origins Of Valentine’s Day: A Pagan Festival In February
- What do some argue that the church was trying to ’Christianize’?
- What did the festival of Lupercalia celebrate?
- Where would members of the Luperci meet together at the start of the festival?
- What did priests sacrifice?
- According to legend, why did women leave their names in a big urn?
Section 3: Valentine’s Day: A Day Of Romance
- Who officially chose February 14th for Saint Valentine’s Day?
- Why did February 14 become associated with love during the Middle Ages?
- Where is the oldest valentine greeting kept?
- Who, according to myth, was hired by King Henry V to write a valentine greeting to Catherine of Valois?
Section 4: Typical Valentine’s Day Greetings
- When did Valentine’s Day begin to gain popularity in Great Britain?
- What was normal practice by the middle of the 18th century?
- What replaced written letters in 1900?
- According to the Greeting Card Association, how many Valentine’s Day cards are sent out each year?
Share your answers with your partner.
Activity 3: Valentine facts
Visit http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day-facts and decide whether the following facts are true (T) or false (F). Correct those that are false.
- There are 34 single men aged 65 or older for every 100 single women of the same age.
- In the US, there are 2.2 million marriages every year, which is more than 600 a day.
- More than 50% of all Valentine’s Day cards are bought in the six days before the celebration.
- In 2004, there were 21,667 florists across the US and between all these businesses 109,915 people were employed.
- 70%: The percentage of men and women aged 30 to 34 who had been married at some point in their lives in 2006.
- Valentine’s Day is the most popular time to send greeting cards with 141 million cards sent every year.
- In 2008, 112,185 marriages were performed in Nevada. So many couples ’tie the knot’ there that it is the fifth most popular US state in which to marry even though it only ranks 35th in terms of population.
- 904: The number of dating service companies in America in 2002.
- More than 50% of the US population celebrate Valentine’s Day by purchasing a greeting card.
- There are 100 single women in their 20s for every 119 single men of the same age.
Activity 4: Quotations about love
Go to http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day-quotations. Read through the quotations and decide which one you like the best. You could send it to someone special for Valentine’s Day!
jueves, 22 de enero de 2015
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